Friday, July 24, 2009

Triple H - the Game

In the morning, while surfing the channels, I came across Ten Sports showing WWE. 5 minutes of it and I was down the memory lane of my good old school days when we were crazy WWE fans mimicking every move of our Wrestlers…

From all the legendary wrestlers, I loved Rock and later John Cena. However, one showman that tops the list for me is the ‘TRIPLE H’ – the Game. Although, he was cheating sometimes, mean with his strategic moves, he was the Superstar for me.

I still vividly remember how he use to fill his mouth with water, flex his muscles on the side of the ring and then sprinkle water in the air with minutest drops dazzling in flashing lights. WOW… A spectacle in itself…

Yes, the Rock Bottom – Rock Elbow – Jo
hn Cena FU are iconic moves, but none could match ‘The Pedigree’ from Triple H.

Resilience and Never Say Die attitude define Triple H.

Over the years he has partnered with Nature Boy ‘Ric Flair
’, the animal ‘Batista’, nurtured Randy Orton on his way to Championship. Still, Triple H – the assassin, is the one for me, my Favourite Wrestler of all times.

1 comment:

  1. hi sakib,
    its great to see ur blog.....NIDHI
